Thanksgiving 2023

There are three things I link or associate with Thanksgiving each year. They are cause for celebration and contemplation.

First, and of most importance to me, is the birthday of my one and only child. He was born on Thanksgiving weekend and is my greatest accomplishment. He always gets a three day weekend around his birthday, which is an extra treat. I take the time to look back on all those years that have passed and the growth that he has achieved. This year is a tougher one for him and his girlfriend as they have been impacted by strikes in their industry. What I noticed is that the celebration has not been dimmed. If anything, they’ve made it better by taking advantage of free birthday offers and spending time with special friends.  Although I am rarely able to spend his birthday with him, we always take time to be together virtually.

Second for me at Thanksgiving is the start to Autumn. Especially with our warming climate I find September tends to have a hot streak and October brings in the chill and crispness. Our colours were really popping in September this year and I appreciate them so much. But for me, Thanksgiving is the festive time to really enjoy them. They seem to be at their peak over this weekend and because we have three days off, we can really soak them in. Fall, as I’ve written many times, is my all-time favourite season. There’s something about the beauty of the colours, the crunch of leaves underfoot, and the last vestiges of the sun’s warmth that feeds peace into my soul. This morning as I write this, the rain is coming down, the wind is battering the leaves around, and there is a bite to the air that stirs the energy. It's the perfect time for activity, whether it’s a walk around the block to work off the turkey or it’s taking in a football game.

Now, the third thing is the most obvious. It’s Thanksgiving. It’s the reminder to be grateful for all that we have, even or maybe especially when it seems like we don’t have much. We are so blessed to live in a country where we have freedom of choice and a relative sense of safety. We are free to make mistakes and learn from them. We are free to choose our path. We are free to go to school and learn. We are free to love whomever we want. Life might not be perfect here, but it’s infinitely better than in some areas of the world under the regimes of dictators and autocrats.

There are so many ways in which I am grateful, and I’ve decided to share some of them with you in this blog. As I drove to my mom’s for Thanksgiving dinner I was trying to think of some of the less obvious things I’m grateful for and what they mean to me. So, in no particular order, below is a partial list of my Thanksgiving gratitude for 2023.

-          To EP and JG for the introduction of music that was new to me when I started university. I still listen to those groups and derive great pleasure from the music. Music has always been a huge part of my life and I cannot imagine life without it. Growing up we listened to our parents’ music (quite different choices between my mom and dad) and I learned more from going to school and hanging out with friends. When I went to university there was a whole new musical experience awaiting me.

-          To my family, wholehearted love and appreciation for the craziness, noise, and chaos that a big turkey dinner brings. I live a very quiet life and one that suits me. When the family gets together in one place and gathers the food on their plates and “jockeys” for a spot one of the tables set around, it adds colour and texture to this special meal. We are a small family and yet we sound and look large with children running underfoot and the clamour that comes from passing glasses and utensils is joyous. I’m also so thankful for the peace that descends after they depart. There’s something warm left behind when they all head home and the silence settles once again.

-          For an opportunity to take on a new position in my company. To be honest, my deepest gratitude goes to the family members and friends who have kept me propped up and made me feel supported through the last four years. I knew I wasn’t in the right place and I’m sure I complained far too much. They stuck with me, boosted me up, and gave me a swift kick when needed. There is something to be said for friends who will do that for you. It’s so easy to get tired of a person and walk away. It turns out I have people who are the best people – they stuck it out and now I get the chance to do something amazing. I’ve looked for this challenge for a long time and now in honour of those who stood with me, I will make something incredible out of this.

-          To my uncles for their wisdom, humour (sometimes very corny humour), and joy. I’ve especially enjoyed how they tell stories about times that had to be awful to live through and are now remembered with laughter. It’s a reminder that even the bad days will pass and with the right attitude can be looked back upon with mirth.

-          To my aunts for their love and support. I know if I need to, I can reach out and they will be there for me. I have one special aunt who is going through a terrible time with Alzheimer’s. I am so grateful that we had time with her over the summer and that she knew us. She remembered some of the times we had together and laughed and joked with us. Even now with what she’s going through, we can picture the aunt we knew within her actions, and it brings a smile to my face even while it saddens me. She treated me to concerts and music that I still love.

-          To a special uncle who shared his love of golf with me and spent some valuable time on golf courses with me. I will forever have those memories. I know we don’t have a lot of time left together on this earth and I appreciate every moment.

-          To a couple of people who have re-entered my life. My cousin with whom I am becoming close. While we’ve always been family, I believe we are friends now and I am so grateful for all that she has brought to my life. To an acquaintance from my childhood who I ran into and now am connected with, my gratitude for sharing and welcoming me. Sometimes these are blessings we don’t always acknowledge as we may take them for granted.

-          For the safety I feel in my home and my country. On my drive home from my mom’s today I listened to coverage of the terrorist attack in Israel. My heart is broken for those innocents who were massacred. I am grateful that I do not live in such a situation.

-          For this house I call home. As many challenges as it provides, it always gives me joy and comfort.

-          For my mom who trusts me enough to be honest. She guides and supports and encourages and loves with all of her being. I will forever know that I was loved.

And that’s a quick summary of many things in my life for which I feel and acknowledge gratitude. I know there are so many more situations, people, and experiences with which I am blessed. I hope to always remember to be thankful and to model that gratitude. It’s easy to get bogged down under the sadness and negativity in the world. I want to honour the reality of the bad while using the good to keep going, to lift me up, and to make each day a blessing.

I hope this Thanksgiving you have good food to fill up your tummy, love to fill your heart, and peace and joy to fill your soul.

My church has an annual Thanksgiving Bake Sale and these are my contributions. I love baking and am very thankful to have the opportunity to volunteer in this way.

I’ve shared this picture before. Think of it as a reminder of what my tables and stools looked like.

My “recharged” table and stools! I am so grateful to my niece for all of her hard work to bring them back to life. I can’t wait to see how they will look in the patio area!


Be Yourself…

