
I was planning my Sunday blog all last week. Certain surprises happened along the way that developed into writing ideas. Then, I got my second COVID shot on Friday. Like my first shot, I was hit by side effects. I wasn’t up to writing yesterday afternoon, as per my normal routine. That’s okay as I figured I would write it today. Today came and my mind went down a different path. I decided that being true to the purpose of this blog was important and so I followed that path and this is where it led.

This time of year is a time for beginnings and endings. It’s graduation time. COVID has made a lot of graduation events virtual and has taken away the connectedness that feels so important, especially when celebrating. As I was thinking of a friend whose daughter graduates this week, I remembered a few years ago when I was asked to speak to my son’s high school graduation class, representing the parents. It was truly an honour that I will never forget. I kept the speech and rereading it still brings a lump to my throat.

In honour of graduates everywhere and friends who are celebrating their children’s’ achievements, I offer you the words I shared with my son’s class and their parents.

“We are here today, to honour you, our amazing children, the graduates of 2013! I am here, before you, to try to speak on behalf of all the parents. While the words may not be theirs, I hope the sentiment is.

Approximately 18 years ago, you came into our lives, and life as we knew it, changed completely. Thank you!

Thank you for the tears and the scraped knees, the hugs and the giggles. Thank you for the sloppy kisses and the temper tantrums, for the late night calls, for “one more story”. As you grew, those late night calls became text messages, asking for one more hour out with friends. We have felt happiness, frustration, occasionally anger, joy, and always love. Your successes and your failures have been shared every step of the way.

We are so excited for you - for the adventures you are heading out to experience. We hope you will remember some of the life lessons we have tried to teach:

  • share everything

  • play fair

  • don’t hit people

  • put things back where you found them

  • clean up your own messes

  • don’t take things that aren’t yours

  • say you’re sorry when you hurt someone

  • wash your hands before you eat

  • flush (and then wash your hands again)

  • warm cookies and cold milk are good for you

  • and when you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together.

No matter where you are in the world, we will always love you and be there for you. Now, as you head out into that world, let me give you a few final words of wisdom:

  • when you find yourself in a new place, find your local church; give your faith a chance

    • like your parents, God is always there for you, with love

  • don’t forget you are one small particle in our great big world; remember that AND remember also that one small pebble can create waves

    • so go out there and make waves

  • celebrate your successes

    • enjoy the pats on the back and the cheers in your ears

  • celebrate your failures

    • don’t hide them away; take them out, examine them and LEARN from them

      • a failure can teach you more than any success

  • build your circle of friends

    • those relationships provide blessings beyond measure

  • and listen to your inner voice

    • your heart will always be true to you.

We still remember your first day at school. You were so little and we were so nervous about leaving you on your own. How would you be with all those new people and those new experiences? Without us?

Here it is, 13 years later and we feel a little bit of that nervousness again. You are still our babies, our loves, our lights, and it’s a big world.

We know you’re going to be great. After all, you’ve had incredible teachers along the path thus far. You are our future and you will become amazing leaders.

Let’s hear it for our children, the class of 2013!”

So, that’s this week’s entry. I’ll return with the stories of last week and the house and my learning along the way next weekend. For now, know that I miss my child dreadfully; I cannot wait to get beyond COVID and see him again. I treasure these moments of remembrance in the meantime.



