Preparations …

It feels like I’ve had a busy week and yet when I look around for something complete to share I seem to be at a loss. It’s not that work hasn’t been done; I guess it’s because a lot of that work is preparatory in nature. I’m getting ready for lots of change in the next couple of months!

As I’ve mentioned before, I am anxiously awaiting the installation of my pool. I believe I also mentioned the surprise tree removal that was going to input itself into my budget. Well, that was taken care of on Tuesday and wow! They took a chainsaw to the trunk and boom! that tree came down! I managed to get a few pictures to share (see below). I am always saddened by the loss of a tree. They are so important to life. Unfortunately, this tree could have potentially taken out my pool or worse, a person, had it come down on its own. So, saddened and realistic.

At the same time that the tree was coming down, I was in a discussion with a potential kitchen contractor. It’s interesting how the feelings we get from someone can often determine our future relationship. In this case, I was really impressed. He was very transparent about how he approaches a job, shared exactly how he prices out his time and his staff’s time, and didn’t make me feel rushed at all. From a potential contractor to my contractor. I explained how important it is to honour the house. I do not want to go down to the studs; I want to build from what is currently here. I just need more functionality.

Something new to me, and I believe something that’s come out of the increase in materials during the pandemic, is the manner in which my whole job is priced. I am only paying for working time. We will pick out the ceiling wood and countertops together and I will pay the suppliers. The cupboards are up to me, with his support.

Since my mom was having a short visit, we headed into the city on Saturday to look at “building” my kitchen. What an interesting process. My contractor pointed out the advantage to using IKEA cabinets: they use a track system for installation. Why is that key? My cabinets will be installed on these tracks and not directly onto the walls. [At least that’s how I understand it.] With a century plus old home, I don’t want to cause potential problems by having to go into my walls. You never know what you might find! Now, the drawback is there are limited styles and colours from which to choose. And that’s where I got stuck. In the end, the gentleman who was assigned to us was fantastic. He helped us put together a solid plan. And IKEA has a great system for developing that plan - it’s saved in their system, I can see how it looks from all angles, I can change colours, etc., and I can see the price estimate.

I remember hearing (many times over the years), “measure twice, cut once” and I am following that advice. I did not order my cabinets right away on Saturday. At home I will remeasure everything and then confer with the contractor to make sure I have it exact. I have to admit, it is pretty exciting to see it come together and I can’t wait to get started! The contractor is booked for mid-August!

While the kitchen is the heart of my home, I feel like the spa-atmosphere bathroom upstairs will be the peace of my home. When I was out in the village last weekend, I came across a sign about an antiques sale. I’ve been looking for the “right” piece to add to my upstairs bathroom and have been getting frustrated. It looks good but the size is wrong. It seems to be perfect but it’s really expensive. It’s absolutely perfect but way too tall or too small or doesn’t have enough space for everything. I knew in my head what I wanted but couldn’t seem to find it. I walked up the driveway at the antiques sale and saw some nice things but nothing really caught my eye. I can get quite shy, especially if a salesperson starts speaking to me and I haven’t found anything I want. I almost start to feel guilty about not buying! More often than not, when that happens, I leave. Last Sunday, I kept going and I am so happy I did. It’s a rustic dresser that came from a nearby village. It’s old, it’s the right colouring (at least for now - I don’t have any current plans to change it), it’s got tons of space, and it was an excellent price! How perfect is that?! And I would have missed it, if I’d left.

The unfortunate (but only slightly so) part of the story is that it did not fit in my SUV when my sister and I went to pick it up today. Luckily, the sale owner is going to deliver it to me. I cannot get over how friendly and warm people are! This village continues to astound me and I know the day is coming soon when I just expect the smile and kind word. Anyway, I’m sitting writing while I await Nick and his trailer.

One last comment for today: my mom came for a few days and my sister came up to get her and spent last night. It was a treat to eat outside in my dining area and then wander out later when the lights had come on and the fireflies were dancing. I don’t remember ever seeing so many fireflies! It’s moments like those that turn a house into a home. It’s the sharing of it with family and friends that makes the difference. During COVID it’s been especially difficult to have those precious times and I am so grateful for them now. Next week I’ll share the special touch that my mom and sister brought to a craft project I’ve been working on. They are so talented and have a real eye for what works and how to arrange colours and items. I’m looking forward to showing you their contribution to the porch!

It was a big tree! According to the arborists who took it down, it was approximately 2/3 rotted inside. The last picture is the “trench” it dug when it landed. thank to WoodsWorks for a job well done.

It was a big tree! According to the arborists who took it down, it was approximately 2/3 rotted inside. The last picture is the “trench” it dug when it landed. thank to WoodsWorks for a job well done.

The exciting “new” find for the spa-like upstairs bathroom. Can’t wait to see it in place!

The exciting “new” find for the spa-like upstairs bathroom. Can’t wait to see it in place!

Using an old shutter to make a beautiful welcome for my porch - will share it next week after it’s been hung! With thanks to my talented mom and sister.

Using an old shutter to make a beautiful welcome for my porch - will share it next week after it’s been hung! With thanks to my talented mom and sister.



