One Day…
One day, when I’m grown up, I will pick my own bed time.
One day, I’m going to do whatever I want.
One day, I’ll be powerful.
One day, I’ll go out at night, even during the week.
One day, I won’t have to go to school anymore.
One day, when I’m an adult, I’ll go to the symphony and out to dinner whenever I want.
One day, I’ll have enough money to do whatever I want.
Those thoughts are from childhood and maybe you had similar. They were during a time when someone else was dictating my moves, my daily schedule, my bedtime, and what felt like my whole life.
One day when I’m grown up I will live in the city and be part of its energy.
One day I’ll live in a mansion, a show home that will grace magazines.
One day I will meet my Prince Charming and live happily-ever-after.
One day I will be great.
I’ve learned over the years that some of those “one days” were wistful. They were fine as a child but they weren’t real goals. They weren’t real life. Real life is hard work and time spent learning and growing. Real life is sometimes not going out because you have bills or an early start at the office. Sometimes real life means that living in the city isn’t possible because the city is just too expensive. Or maybe, as I did, I grew up and discovered the city isn’t where I want to spend my time. I found out I like the atmosphere of a small town or village. I like living in a place where I can walk wherever I need to go. A place where I get to know my neighbours. A place where I feel safe. A place where I can have a yard and space enough for a pool.
Some of the fanciful dreams were perfect as a child. Why not believe in Prince Charming? I’m not one of those people who thinks that a child needs harsh reality all the time. Why not dream of meeting the perfect person - the one who complements you and your goals? A little fantasy is okay and children grow up all too soon. The other “one days” are the funny ones. The ones where I couldn’t wait to go to bed as late as I wanted! Hilarious when I think about how early I go to bed now. Going out every night? HA! Not a chance! The work day is long and I’m tired at night and since I like living in a small village, I have a drive to go to any symphony or special event in the city. No thanks! Having lots of money? Well, it didn’t take me long to figure out there is never going to be enough money if that’s what I value in life. I don’t see the value of money the way I did as a child. Maybe it’s because I have enough to meet my needs. It’s not going to take me on a trip around the world, but I have food on the table and a roof over my head. I drive a car I like and have the money to put gas in it. I’m doing okay. I can save up and plan projects. So, no. I didn’t get to the point where I have enough money to do whatever I want.
One day, one day, one day…
One day I’ll have this house the way I want it.
One day I’ll rent a quaint cottage in Ireland and run away for a couple of weeks.
One day I will write the book that’s poking at me.
One day I will be excited again.
One day I’ll figure out who I am.
Those are my new “one days”. They’ve come with age. But they’re still “one days”. They still need work and action to achieve. They may not be the fairytales of my youth but they’re still only dreams until I make them come true.
Something I hear and read quite a bit is that we have to do our “one days”. If we want to achieve something then it’s up to us to make it happen. I don’t disagree. However, I don’t think it’s as straightforward as it’s often presented. And that’s where I get bogged down. For me to sit down and start hammering out a book sounds great. Others have done it, why can’t I? Well, I guess I could. My struggle is that my brain is so full with work and family and doing what I want to do with this house that the book is not my top priority. Well, then, obviously I don’t want it enough. Because that’s the next thing you’ll hear. If you want something badly enough, then you’ll achieve it.
What nonsense! Yes, I agree that if you want something enough, you’ll do all the work to find out what needs to be done. Yes, if you want it enough, you’ll work extremely hard to get it done. Unfortunately, though, sometimes reality doesn’t support your goal. Sometimes, you aren’t good enough to write a book. Or perhaps you need the time that you don’t currently have. That’s what I’m considering right now. Am I good enough? I don’t know but I think I can do it and that’s good enough for now. But I also know that I don’t have the time right now to achieve it.
The work on the house is a higher priority for me. I want to figure out the guest rooms and the living room. I want to finish sorting and throwing what I know longer need or want. I want to make space for my vision of the house. Priority.
I think that’s what our “one days” don’t always consider. We have priorities in our lives. I’ve wanted to run away to a cottage in Ireland for years and as it climbs my priority ladder I have a greater belief that I will accomplish that desire. I’ve picked the cottage so now it’s about figuring out the budget and time.
Is “one day” supposed to be a dream? I don’t think so. I think as a child it’s how we figure out our own personalities and likes and dislikes. Probably most children will want something that is completely different from their parents. That’s natural. It’s a way to become their own people. The reality comes with age and growth as they discover who and what they are. Those answers take time and experiences and opportunities. Their “one days” will change much as mine have over the years.
My current “one days” are all achievable. My biggest challenge is making the time to go after them. If I decide I’m not going after one of them, it doesn’t make me a failure. It means I’ve changed my priorities. What I can guarantee is that I won’t stop moving forward, whatever the path I choose.
Obviously, I haven’t succeeded in fixing the window frame…yet. It’s on my list! This picture shows how I’m organizing my office these days. I’ve got my bulletin-type boards and hangers for my bags. It’s amazing how much a little bit of sorting helps!
We had some beautiful, warm weather to start our work week. Since the pool is always a priority for me, I got started on getting it ready. The top picture is pumping the water off the cover and the bottom picture shows where that water was sent!
I was thrilled to discover I lost almost no water over the winter and that the work I put into the pool before closing really paid off. Look at that water - it’s so clear! Exciting changes coming soon to this area.
Since we had such lovely weather, I thought it was time to unstrap my table and chairs. I’m ready for the heat!