Love Letters…
As many people do, I’ve been contemplating the year coming to an end and dreaming of the year to come. 2024 - what will it mean to me and to those I love? Will this be my year? What would that look like? The older I get, the more I treasure these thoughts. I’m pretty sure I just barrelled from one year to the next when I was younger. Now, I take the time to ponder what went well, what went awful, and where I learned lessons. This year I’ve decided to honour the year and the people in my life with a series of love letters. I’ve done a lot of thinking over the last month (and yes, that’s how long I’ve been planning this blog) about how I want to present those letters. I’ve chosen to write a couple/few lines to each person that I’m thinking of and it’s important that I explain the format. I’m blessed with lots of friends and if I started writing to each and every one about the gratitude I have for them I could be writing for months! If I included acquaintances who have impacted me, that could take me years. So, I’m narrowing it down to only a few sentences without names. The reason is, I would be horrified if I published and realized I forgot someone (these days, very possible). On top of that, there are words that carry over to different people and a blog isn’t a book. This way, if you see yourself in one of the letters then fantastic! If you see yourself in bits of numerous letters then even better, as I know they will cross over. Also, they are in no particular order. I’ve been making notes for the last month and I know when I start typing, they will come out in whatever order works for my weird brain.
I cannot thank you enough for taking me in and making me family. I’m pretty sure we could finish each other’s sentences! You were the sister of my heart and I miss you. I’m relieved you’re moving on and living life - you deserve it all, my friend!
You are smart and talented and a force to be reckoned with. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as committed to doing well as you are. (And yes, that’s not a great sentence, but it’s what I would say so I’m writing it! LOL) I hope you keep striving for the stars!
You are an incredible friend and mom. I know you worry about that but trust me, you’re doing a great job! Thank you for kicking me in the butt when I need it!
I don’t know anyone like you. You are funny and driven and talented and giving and human! I love that you don’t need any more friends - you have so many and I know you wouldn’t turn anyone away!
I think of you when I have the tunes cranked, especially Roxy Music. I knew them before I met you but you introduced me to the joy in music and I will forever be grateful.
We are so different and yet I hold you so close in my heart. I know that you will always be there for me, no matter what. I will always be here for you, too.
You are incredible. You have truly made yourself a life of love. I’ve never met anyone more dedicated to their family. You are funny and joyful - an awesome combination.
You have taught me so much. How to survive. How to grow in faith. How to rise above. How to give back. There is no one better than you.
You are crazy and creative and I’m thankful for both parts in my life. I don’t think there is anyone quite like you out there.
Thank you for all that you have shared with me, especially the last few years. I’ve appreciated every conversation, golf game, piece of history you have bestowed. I know our time together is coming to an end and I am so grateful for all we’ve had.
Thank you for your support and encouragement. You gave me a great gift by showing me how to go after what I want. There are no words for my gratitude.
I love that you are your own person. You have this old world way about you and yet you are today’s woman. Very cool!
Thank you for the treats of my childhood. You were always there for us. Your silly phrases and loving support are something that I will always have in my memory. I wonder if you realize just how much you gave.
Thank you for giving me a reason. I always did my best, even when it didn’t seem like it. You taught me how to love completely. You inspire and frustrate me. I cannot imagine life without you.
For me, you were the best. It wasn’t always pretty but you were my greatest cheerleader and I miss you each and every day.
Thank you for all the laughter and jokes. You made me learn how to laugh at myself. I think it’s one of the greatest gifts - never take yourself too seriously!
I have been blessed to get to know you. I’m pretty independent and hate asking for help. You have made that so much easier for me, because I know you will reach out. Not having a one-way street makes it smoother for me to accept and I thank you for it.
You brought something different into my life. It’s been good to learn acceptance. When I see you, I see your talent and your kindness. That’s all that I need to see.
Thank you to those that came before me. The history that you have given to me have crafted the person that I am. Those foundations are solid and built by hard work. You were never handed the easy way out and I think that’s why I am the way I am.
I’ve been lucky to get to know you better. You’ve talked me off the roof a few times, shared confidences that have helped me understand some of my world and I am truly grateful for your trust. I’m glad I can call you friend.
And now, after only a few of the many grateful messages and yes, love letters that I could write, I’m going to share how I’m approaching 2024. A friend recently commented that resolutions are just things that make us feel bad a month into a new year. I guess that can be true but I think it depends on the resolutions themselves. I think we put too much January 1st emphasis on them. Look, it’s a new year so I’m going to suddenly become …! And in that case, there’s a pretty good chance we’ll fail and then yes, we’ll feed bad about ourselves.
This year, I decided since I’m writing love letters why not make some promises to myself instead of resolutions. So, here goes. I promise to try harder to give myself a break. I promise that when I fail (we all do!) that I will pick myself back up and try again. I promise that I will spend some time working toward what I want to do - find out how to go about it, reach out and engage, put some planned time in determining how to make it happen. I promise that I will stop wearing “lots of work” as a mantle of pride. I promise to work on better eating habits, more movement, and finding ways to combat stress that will work for me. I promise to be open to new possibilities.
I wish you all a year filled with joy, love, and opportunities. Make the most of 2024 - I know I will!
I took time off between Christmas and New Year’s and finally finished painting the last wall in my dining room! On the far right is the first coat.
The final product! There are still little jobs to do - paint the trim and wainscotting in the room, refinish the telephone table seen here, change the outlet to a new white one, and determine the wall art. BUT, I am thrilled to be entering 2024 with all the walls painted! It doesn’t jump out at me when I come into the room and I know that’s because it finally looks right!
A special gift from my mom for Christmas and my last promise to myself. Whenever an opportunity or possibility arises, I will ask myself: “What’s the best that could happen?”