Looking back…
I started making notes for this blog in my notebook while looking through my 2024 agenda and wrote down some of the highlights and lowlights of my year. My uncle’s passing at the beginning of the year, his burial, birthdays, football games, special events like the RCMP Musical Ride and my trip to Ireland in the fall all came to mind quickly. A year is a long time and a lot can happen. At the beginning of 2024 I was coping with furnace issues as well as the death of someone I adored. Throughout the year many things happened. Some were extraordinary and others were run of the mill. There are mundane events like paying bills and getting oil changes and there are big events like planning a memorial service. There are days when you feel lousy and the weather seems to go along with it and other days when the sun is shining, the pool is sparkling and there seems to be only good in the world. In other words, a year brings a lot.
My intent with this blog was to reflect back on 2024 as it comes to an end. However, looking back made me realize how important so many people are in my every day life. Some people are brief encounters and others are part of my foundation. All of those people contribute to my survival. I decided I couldn’t really write a blog about what happened in my year without considering all of those people. This blog is for and about them; the people who keep me standing, the people who love me no matter what and the people to whom I owe a debt of gratitude. I’ll comment on a few of them in this public way but know that if you’ve touched my life in any positive way you are thought of with appreciation and love.
I mentioned the death of my uncle. I was so blessed to have him in my life and I enjoyed him so much. We had a lot in common - love of politics, reading and history. I still have uncles and aunts who are with us. I got to see a couple of them over the course of the year and I am grateful for that time. There was laughter and storytelling. There was reminiscing and enjoying each other’s company.
I lost another important person this past year. He wasn’t in my life in a regular, daily fashion. He was my mother’s parish priest but he played a key role in my life over the years. He was the person to whom I went when encountering issues, especially with illness and death. He was down to earth and solid in his faith. He found a way to explain things so that all ages sitting in the pews could understand. He was a blessing to so many.
My mom is my rock. The woman blows me away with her strength and faith. At times I don’t know how she keeps going and yet she does. She is always there for her family and when troubles happen her belief and faith in God keeps her upright. That strength in belief is awe-inspiring.
I am truly blessed with some of the best friends. I am here for them if ever they need and they are there for me. They boost me up, remind me of my worth and put me in my place if necessary. They provide encouragement, support and love. They have families and homes and jobs and extracurricular activities and they find time for all of it! There is laughter and joy in time spent with them, whether it’s over lunch, on the golf course or at a football game.
There are members of my work team who make me smile and laugh on a daily basis. When it gets tough to keep holding my head up, I just have to look at this team to remember the importance of our work. They are young and determined and make each day special.
I have become part of a church community in this little village and for that I am truly grateful. There were many occasions throughout the last year when I was baking like crazy before a church sale or planning my day around volunteering at an event. Truthfully, my contributions are small in comparison to some of those people but I do what I can. Being a part of a group such as this gives me a warm feeling.
Sports play an important role in my life, this past year included. I love my time on the golf course, regardless of what my score card says! Time spent at football games takes me away from my regular life into one centred on a field and the season seat members of our section. We have a connection created by our love of the team and it’s always a fun time.
I’ve been blessed with inspiration in the form of a new friend and a young niece. “Their” stories are coming to life and I’m excited by all that I’ve learned and put together thus far. AB has allowed me to pump her for information on her life and her history. She’s been open to sharing her background and her opinions as I figure out how my characters will come alive. And my niece? Well, no one brings so much joyful energy to a room. Her smile and how she loves life is evident in every move she makes.
I have one child. One child who hasn’t been a child in a long while and yet, he’ll always be mine. I’ve watched him grow and become a man. He brings such light and love to my life in ways that he may never understand. When I look back over my year, he is always at the heart.
This is a short blog because I believe that reflection should be private. I share this much as an opening for yourself to take the time to close your eyes and consider all that this past year has been. Include the highs and the lows and know that all is needed to make you the person you are today. All of it is important. All the mistakes and the accolades. Treasure this time as we put 2024 to bed. A new year is dawning.