This past week has been a struggle. We all have those periods of time when we don’t feel great, not up to the task, a little down, whatever it may be. We are not alone but when we’re in the depths of it we may feel alone. That was my work week and it ended with the International Women’s Day. A day to celebrate the women in our lives and who have gone before us, paving the way to equality. We aren’t there yet. Far from it, in fact, but each passing year hopefully brings us closer.
So, first the struggle. I find one of the outcomes of struggle is the lack of motivation. It’s not that I don’t want to be the best I can and it’s not that I don’t care but I do find that it’s hard to summon the strength. These are the mornings when I wish I could sleep in or at least take my time. Those are the days when I would prefer to write or read. Those are the evenings when making supper is hard. Those are the nights when I wish I didn’t have to get up early and start all over again.
I firmly believe that motivation can only come from within ourselves. No one else can get us to do something. No one else can get us to move forward or try harder. The thing is, I believe that inspiration can ignite or reignite motivation. We can find something or someone that sparks a light within us that makes the daily grind worthwhile. And sometimes it’s hard to find in the regular day to day world in which we live.
When something is too easy I tend to distrust it. I believe that hard work, putting in the time, so to speak, is what makes “it” worthwhile. I believe that sometimes we have to do the crappy, menial jobs that maybe we think we’re above in order to build something great. I think foundations need to be strong in order to build something that will stand the test of difficult times. Think of the pandemic. Some companies, small businesses, people, took a breath, looked around and recreated themselves. They found the way to innovate and rebrand their business. It worked for some. Not so much for others. Why? Well, I think it would take some research to know the full picture but part of it is the willingness to think outside the box.
That’s a big part of inspiration for me. It’s thinking differently. Finding new ways to approach the highs and lows of life. This past week I couldn’t find it on my own. It just wasn’t in my conscious. So I did what I often do when this happens. I allowed myself a little time. I didn’t go overboard on anything. AND, I tried really hard not to listen to the critical voice in my head. Often the one that is the loudest. I looked around for sources of inspiration. I have some incredibly strong people in my life who are bright lights and who remind me, by the way they live their lives, that there is a world of possibilities available. They are the people to whom I always turn, to listen to, to learn from, and to observe as they find new ways to see the world. It may be their faith that speaks loudly. It might be their sense of humour and how they manage to rise above challenges. Sometimes it’s the way they let themselves accept the struggle and then move beyond it. It’s probably one of the most important things to me - moving forward. The people who inspire me never give up. They don’t just throw their hands up and bury their heads. They’re human and they may fall but they always pick themselves up. That’s incredibly inspirational to me.
My son and daughter-in-law work in an industry that faced a long series of strikes recently. They could have whined and complained and sat on their butts collecting employment insurance and doing nothing. That’s not what happened. They worked very hard on side businesses, reporting every penny they earned. They learned new skills. They looked at different ways of living that might afford them a foundation for the future. I’ve heard so many people complain and blame organizations, governments, other people and never try to self-improve. I’m so impressed and inspired by my son and daughter-in-law. At no point did they give up.
I have a favourite television show from years ago, The West Wing. I own all seven seasons on DVD and every few years I’ll find myself rewatching the full series. I like the topics covered, the actors and their characters and I like (although I can be frustrated by it, as well), the “realness” of the characters. They are driven, passionate, can be arrogant, righteous, and believe in their cause. Nowadays we seem to take pride in not “lowering” ourselves to watching television. Well, I like good TV. I like something that makes me think. I like shows that provide a break from real life. If there’s a little laughter in there too, it’s all the better. I’m not ashamed that I enjoy siting and relaxing in front of the TV, although I’m often doing something else at the same time!
Why would I mention this in a blog about inspiration? Well, I’ve been rewatching The West Wing and it struck me this week that it inspires me. It’s the passion and the desire to do something good. It’s the need to make the world a better place in which to live. It’s the heated debates that the characters engage in. It’s the intelligence of the characters (also known as intelligent writing). What I realized this week is that a big part of the engagement I feel when watching is that no matter how hard they argue, no matter how much they may disagree, when the decisions are made, they present a united front. They walk out of the room and stand as one voice. That is putting one’s ego aside for the greater purpose. It’s about sharing your opinions, your perspective and being willing to support the final outcome. Ultimately their goals are to strengthen their country and they do it in such a manner that you can only admire them, even when you may not agree with their path.
I feel lately like the world is in disarray. Whether it’s my personal life, my work life, my community, or the greater world of country and globe, I don’t feel like we are working together. No, it’s not like everything is ever completely smooth or agreeable. But lately it seems like there is a ton of disagreement and it isn’t characterized by debate. Debate is good. Debate is healthy. What I see instead are personal attacks on government figures. Not about their policies but about the people. I think a lot of this is driven by the internet and what it provides. When I was a kid the only way you learned about a foreign country or its people was the encyclopedia or travel. Occasionally, you had immigrants who taught you something about their homeland. I grew up in a very small town. The last didn’t happen all that often. With the built-in anonymity provided by the internet, people can say whatever they want without fear of reprisal. They can be mean and uncharitable and deliberately mislead people without having to provide any proof or supporting evidence. And when this happens, it removes face to face debate. It removes learning, if that’s what you’re after. It eliminates the need to actually speak to each other and engage in worthwhile debate.
Maybe this is part of why I’m feeling so blah. Maybe it’s the weather - it’s a stark reminder of the effects of climate change and makes me question the future. Maybe it’s just the time of year - this is the flooding season for me and I spend a lot of time going down to the basement and checking for water. Maybe it’s the unhappiness I’ve seen around me. People are worn down, feeling stressed, and having a hard time. Maybe it’s the loss of my uncle and the associated executor tasks. Maybe I haven’t taken good care of myself. Certainly I blew the diet this past week in spectacular fashion!
I might not know exactly what is causing this malaise but I can say that inspiration, wherever I find it, helps me work my way out of the hole. Moving, reading, writing all help. Fresh air and sunshine are so good for me and I do my best to get out and soak them up. But inspiration. That’s the big one. Using the motivation that comes from within that is stirred by the amazing people I’m exposed to is one of the best ways to get out of this “funk”. Where do you find your inspiration?