Going with it…

I’m back after taking last Sunday off and I can’t seem to focus on one theme. It feels like I have lots of small items to share that cover all sorts of topics and narrowing it down to one theme seems impossible. Since that’s the way my brain is working this week, I think I’ll go with it.

So, the majority of the kitchen renovation is complete. I know I’ve said it before and I’m going to say it again. Once you find a good contractor, stick with him/her. These guys have been fantastic and I’ve become really comfortable with them. For someone like me, that’s huge. I can have someone who does the work, and does it well, but if I’m uncomfortable when s/he is in my house or they don’t laugh and joke, then it’s not worth the time and investment. I know a lot would disagree with me. After all, you don’t hire someone to laugh and joke but honestly, if I’m going to open my house to workers day in and day out for weeks on end, I want to feel like I can leave the door unlocked and they can walk right in. I’m working from home - feeling awkward while they are here does not work for me.

So, the kitchen looks amazing! It’s hard to believe it’s the same space! It’s not done yet, though. The countertops won’t be in for about a month so I’m operating with plywood. Still, it’s a huge improvement! I can’t wait to share the final outcome. I think the dramatic impact of the counters is going to be amazing and I’m so excited!

Things that are playing around in my mind? Well, happiness for one. For some reason, I’ve been equating changing this house into a home as happiness and that it should be achieved with the kitchen reno. And will it? Not completely. It’s one room. Granted, it’s the heart of the home for me and it’s so beautiful and welcoming now. So, yes, big improvement. I guess my reality is that I’m going to need to feel comfort in each room and then it will truly be home. Happiness - such a huge word for some and so natural for others. I said to someone that I’m not sure what will make me happy. She asked a number of questions and two of my answers included turning the kitchen workers on to an herbal tea I love and talking about my son. Afterward she said to me that I light up with joy when I talk about certain things (my son and apparently sharing a love of an herbal tea!!). I should recognize those times are happy. She is right. Happiness isn’t an end, it’s a journey and it brightens me so that I can survive the tough days. I had a truly happy day yesterday - time with my mom, swimming with my niece, and a trip to a beautiful little town for a night market. If I spend my time searching for happiness and don’t recognize it when it’s in front of me, I’m wasting the gift of life. Big lesson to learn and one that I’m sure I will have to keep learning.

Another thought that’s been wandering around my mind these past two weeks is friendship. I’ve always been so blessed with the people I have in my life. I often wonder if they realize it, though. Some people come into your life and fade away and I believe that happens when you’ve been what you need to each other and you’ve grown on. Not apart, just on. It doesn’t mean anything has come between you, just that your growth has taken you down different paths. I remember my aunt and I talking about that before she passed away. Then there are those friends that you’ve known forever and that you can pick up with after months or years apart and it’s like you’ve always been there. And there are new friends who become part of who you are. I’ve had so many friends through all stages of my life and continue to do so. In fact, I have many colleagues I consider friends and I think that’s a special blessing. When you’re spending so many hours collaborating with people, it’s special to be able to count on them.

Success has also been on my mind. This past week was my performance review at work so I guess it isn’t a surprise that success is ranking up there. What does success mean to me? I’m not always sure. I guess the same as happiness, I’ve always considered it somewhat elusive. I’m working to change that. I’m still not sure how to define it, but I’m working on it. I think it may also be moments. In work terms, some of my projects are definitely successful - they’ve crossed the finish line or continue to produce their goals. In terms of a personal life, well, that’s a little tougher. I’m still on my own. Some days I would love to have someone to share life with and other days I’m so strengthened by my independence that I can’t imagine giving it up. I asked my mom about “making it”. She gave me the greatest gift of all. She wrote me her story. It doesn’t cover every aspect of her life; it shared key moments that define how she’s made it. How can I not make it myself with such an amazing role model??

Change and acceptance - my last topics for this week. I was working in my flower beds and transplanting those flowers that overshadowed other plants this year. It was a reminder that sometimes we have to wait to see how something is before we can improve it or make it ours. I put a couple of plants in the bed at the back of the house and they were lost with the growth of what was already there. So, it was a crowded summer. I’ve transplanted and next summer there will be beauty along my new fence line with lots of bright blooms. Acceptance - particularly tough for me. I had to accept that my kitchen isn’t finished yet even though the contractor is starting a new job tomorrow. I have to wait for the final touches. I didn’t want to really share many pictures because it’s not “done”. Well, I just got up and took some pictures and you’ll notice the kitchen is messy. That’s my current reality and it’s a tough one for me. I don’t have all my accessories sorted out yet and I don’t have everything installed. The hood fan arrived without brackets - no brackets, no installation, so it sits on the floor. My drain rack really isn’t going to match with my new colours - well, I don’t have a new one yet so I’m making do. My new kettle arrived but not the matching toaster. Being me, I’ll wait until the toaster arrives to set it up and use it. Sigh…. just a joy of being me! I started “moving in” to the kitchen and couldn’t complete the work because I ran out of shelf liner. [I think shelf liner is critical to keep the new shelfs scuff free so the kitchen is still spread out around the house.] I expect that piece of work will be finished this week.

Above all else, I have to accept that life continues. It’s the middle of September and it’s time to close the pool. That means taking the time to do the work. I’ve been doing a ton of trimming and will have to bag it all and get it to the dump. It’s time to change to my Fall decor - my favourite time of year. Still, it all takes time and I have to remember to enjoy the process. Otherwise, why do I bother? I’ve never lived in, or wanted to live in, a show home, so the effort is for me. If I don’t enjoy the result because I’m too busy moving on to the next “thing” then I think there’s no point.

I’m looking forward to dealing with the clutter and sorting out the kitchen this week while enjoying the change of temperature into Autumn. I can’t wait to show you a cleaned up and organized kitchen next week!

New island stools!

New island stools!

The far wall cabinets. Not at all like they will look, except for the new microwave - white to match! The shelf above is from the original wood found behind the wall!

The far wall cabinets. Not at all like they will look, except for the new microwave - white to match! The shelf above is from the original wood found behind the wall!

The fridge has been moved to the opposite side of the room.

The fridge has been moved to the opposite side of the room.

The china cabinet has also moved to the opposite side of the room.

The china cabinet has also moved to the opposite side of the room.

My beautiful farmhouse, copper sink is installed!

My beautiful farmhouse, copper sink is installed!

If I’m changing my kitchen colours, I’m going to need new mugs!

If I’m changing my kitchen colours, I’m going to need new mugs!


Fads and trends…


It’s coming together…