Christmas 2021…

I was incredibly blessed this year at Christmas. I know a lot of people felt discouraged because they could not have a large gathering or travel or be with family and friends due to COVID-based restrictions. Certainly, all of those elements played a role in my Christmas. We have family who are not vaccinated, and I do not want them in my house [this is not a political statement; I just refuse to take any chances with myself or my mom]. I have not seen my son in over two years due to travel restrictions and the realities of coping with a pandemic. There were no get-togethers or open houses, no big family Christmas morning.

However, my Christmas was amazing. My mom came to stay with me for a week and we had Christmas together, just the two of us (and the dog). We had lots of time to talk about things that are important and things that are just fun. We had dinners, went to mass, went for walks, and hung out together.

Christmas morning was so amusing. After years of being the child and dying to open the presents, I had to calm my mom down and make her wait while I baked muffins. She couldn’t wait to get at the gifts under the tree! We had so much fun! AND a Christmas present from the heavens when my son sent me the gift of him – he’s coming for a visit in January!! Christmas dinner was quite different this year – no turkey. I decided on prime rib with Yorkshire pudding for a change of pace and it was delicious!

My mom and I watched TV at night and did our newspaper puzzles in the mornings. Why was this so special? I realize, especially during this pandemic, that we don’t know what might be right around the corner. It’s not always easy to remember to count your blessings when life is swirling around you. This past week was a time to enjoy my mom and being with her.

My mom is the reason I decorate and celebrate in the way that I do. I’ve learned so much from her and became the woman I am, due in large part to her. We don’t agree on everything – for instance, she didn’t care much for the house when I bought it. Over the course of our week together, I can’t tell you how many times she commented on the kitchen and how wonderful it is. It’s definitely a renovation that has had a fantastic outcome. Oh, and cooking and baking in that kitchen? It was perfect!!

I’m planning to do a few things as I say goodbye to 2021. I am going to leave behind the stress created by the craziness in our world - the racism that is gaining in strength, the conspiracy theorists who believe that everyone is out to “get them”, and the anger that seems to be everywhere. I don’t think these are resolutions. To me, a resolution is a way to improve myself. I’m hoping that leaving the ugly stuff behind will help me embrace the adventure of 2022. [I’ll write about resolutions in my next blog.]

I hope you were able to find joy in the Christmas season in whatever way you found to celebrate. We’ve had two difficult Christmas seasons due to the pandemic. I wonder what 2022 has in store.

Got a gorgeous two tiered tray for my kitchen island! I transferred over my decorations to it. While not done, it doesn’t look bad. My thanks to Just a Bit of Home for delivering the tray to my mom’s place. Check Terra out on Facebook! Great items in her shop.

A book under my Christmas tree. I’m really looking forward to reading it - so much I love about it already!

Beautiful bird feeder - a Christmas gift from my mom. It’s going to look amazing in my yard!

My central nativity scene - this is what Christmas is all about for me.


The Great Reset Part 1…


Christmas Traditions…